Wisconsin 2-Hr Online Failure to Yield/Right of Way Traffic School AGREEMENT

1707 Deming Way
Middleton, WI 53562
Phone: 1-888-AAA-7108
FAX: 313-336-4850
Email: drivertraining2@acg.aaa.com

Contract Number: 0513

The online program will provide all required materials. This program is intended to meet the requirements of the Wisconsin Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) The AAA Driver Training Program does not guarantee issuance of a state driver’s license to the student.

Instruction of a student shall not begin until the following items have been submitted:

  • Full payment of tuition $29.00 AAA members; $35.00 non-members.
  • Student signed agreement, parent/guardian signature for students under 18 years old

Refund Policy: 

  • If you have been convicted of certain traffic violations and received notification from the Wisconsin DMV to take a “Failure to Yield/Right-of-Way” course, you must do so within six (6) months from the date of your notification. If course is not completed within six (6) months the school will not refund any tuition or part of tuition if the school is ready, willing and able to fulfil its part of the agreement.
  • The student will be liable for this agreement in the full amount even if the course is not completed. If the student is under 18 years old, the parent/guardian and the student will be jointly liable for this agreement in the full amount even if the course is not completed.

Parent/Guardian Permission for Driver Training Instruction (if student is under 18 years old) 

I hereby give consent for my son/daughter to take the AAA online Driver Training course which will include two (2) hours of online instruction. The student can spend up to two (2) hours per day in the course..

This constitutes the entire agreement between the school and the customer or student and no verbal statement or promises will be recognized.

Customer Service is available 24/7 at or by email

School Representative Signature

Student Signature (Parent or Guardian Signature if student under 18)

Parent/Guardian Name:  

Only required for course participants under 18.

Student Signature:
Course participants under 18 must type their name above as a signature. Parent/Guardian signs below.

Course Participant Address: {{billing_address_1}} {{billing_address_2}}, {{billing_city}}, {{billing_state}} {{billing_postcode}}


Leave this empty:

Signature arrow sign here

Signature Certificate
Document name: Wisconsin 2-Hr Online Failure to Yield/Right of Way Traffic School AGREEMENT
lock iconUnique Document ID: bc03b719ca114825c489004cacef5bfb60303ab8
Timestamp Audit
March 22, 2023 6:45 pm EDTWisconsin 2-Hr Online Failure to Yield/Right of Way Traffic School AGREEMENT Uploaded by AAA Driving Course - support@aaadrivingcourse.com IP